Although the internet provides you with things like a live feed of a meteor shower or an insight into the lives of Snapchat celebrities, it can be difficult to find those really useful things that you might actually need someday.
One of those things is the technique for multiple orgasms. That’s why we’ve decided to provide you with actual working tips on how to achieve sexual pleasure like never before. With that being said, let us begin…
What Does it Mean?
Before we get to the technique itself, we need to determine what does it exactly mean to have multiple orgasms. Usually, men only orgasm once during a single intercourse session and although it takes them much less than women, they need quite a lot of time to recharge.
On the other hand, there are cases in which women don’t even climax during sex, but when they do, they can just keep on going and have multiple orgasms in a short period of time. This is what we want to help you figure out.
Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, who co-authored “The Multi-Orgasmic Woman,” states: “The average woman is built to come again and again. Women don’t require a refractory period like men do, so we’re able to stay aroused for longer and have an orgasm a second and third time with little effort.”
Past studies have shown that around 43% of women have actually experience multiple orgasms at least once, which means over half of the ladies out there never had the pleasure of experiencing this… pleasure. Let’s change that.
Open your Mind and Body
Despite the fact that sexual pleasure mostly revolves around satisfying the physical aspect, a lot of things are happening in our head that might prevent or help us in climaxing. This, naturally, also applies to having multiple orgasms, so let’s start with your mind.
Never assume that you will climax only once during one intercourse session, because if you persuade yourself that you’re incapable of having multiple orgasms, you’ll never achieve them. That’s why it’s of utter importance that you be as open-minded as possible and ready to do anything in order to reach your goal.
As far as the body goes, it’s a good idea to put an accent of foreplay. It might not be as intense and as interesting as the “action,” but it will most certainly help you relax both your mind and body, which, as we mentioned earlier, is of critical importance here.
Finally, there is something you can do in order to make your body more prepared for multiple orgasms. Beverly Whipple, PhD, co-author of “The G Spot: And Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality,” says that Kegel exercises can be really helpful here.
“Since your orgasm is essentially an intense contraction of your pubococcygeus and pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them increases blood flow to the area and enables you to experience a deeper pleasure sensation and a repeated series of pulses,” she claims.
Bottom line, it always comes down to relaxing, taking it easy and believing that you can do it.