by Lola Lovely at
I have to write about this one scene in the new TV show Outlander, mainly because watching it got me so hot and bothered. And secondly because it displayed a sexual dynamic not usually seen on television.
Ok, a little bit of background before we begin. Outlander is a new period drama on Starz (based on a series of novels by the same name by Diana Gabaldon). It tells the story of Claire Beauchamp who finds herself transported back to 1743 Scotland after she touches a standing stone while visiting Scotland with her husband. Yes, yes, stay with me here… Sounds a little ‘out there’ but trust me, the sexiness is worth it.
Read on…
Claire then meets the (oh. my. god) handsome Scot Jamie Fraser and to simplify the whole plotline, she has to marry him to save her life. And they need to consummate their marriage for it to be legal. A nice little twist to the plot is that handsome, hunky, manly man Jamie is actually a virgin. Nothing wrong with a man being a virgin of course, but this little twist really got my attention because I’m so used to seeing sex portrayed in either a more equal ground (both parties are good at it) or the man ‘educates’ the woman but not often do I find that the man is the ‘innocent’ so to say.
Their intensely sensual exploration before the actual fucking was so damn hot I had to take a shower. And then followed by a laugh out loud anti climax when Jamie literally fucks Claire for two seconds before ejaculating and rolling off her. You can see the mild, “Wow. Really?” look on Claire’s face and it was priceless.
The real fun came after when during their second wind Claire literally schools Jamie in the art of receiving pleasure. I loved the scene because it didn’t seem overtly sexual (like how every prostitute in Game of Thrones is portrayed), rather a, “Hey, lean back and let me take care of you,” in a way we’re all familiar with with our significant other – and the look of Jamie’s face was priceless.
Why am I talking about this? Well because it’s not often that a man is allowed to be ‘innocent’ on television unless it is in a way that makes fun of that innocence. And here is a show that has the woman knowing more about sex and actively sharing that with her man. The man didn’t need to be the all giver and imparter of sexual pleasures. In fact he was the receiver.
And I feel that this is a great message to have out in the world – especially one that uses porn as a basis for how people have sex. Not that there’s anything wrong with porn (we all watch it), but when almost all media (tv, movies, magazines, porn) are always pushing the message that you have to be the ‘King of Sex’ or else you’re a loser, it’s nice to see a different message.
I’m pretty sure not many men are going to be lining up to watch Outlander (or maybe they are after this article, who knows?) but perhaps they should. Perhaps it will allow them to breathe a sigh of relief about not having to know everything about sex by the time they have their first sexual experience.
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