The Bodybuilder and the Built-Body: A Sex Doll Love Story For Our Times
Every relationship has its ups and downs, no matter how ideal they may seem to those on the outside looking in. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married for years, are in the throes of ‘young love’, or even if you’re a Kazakhstani bodybuilder who has fallen in love with a sex doll.
Yes, even though she has no vocal cords, brain or ability to move her own limbs, Margo the sex doll still manages to have occasional arguments with her fiance Yuri. Yuri also says he doesn’t like that Margo curses, but it’s all canceled out by the enormity of his affection for his inanimate partner.

How did they meet? Can she cook? How on earth does she hold down a job as a waitress? Find out the answer to these and other pressing questions in Calico’s latest post, “The Bodybuilder and the Built-Body: A Love Story For Our Times.” Read on…
by Calico Rudasill, Erotic Movies and Entertainment For Women and Couples
Normally, when I read about someone who’s planning to marry a ghost, or “sex ghosts” haunting the set of a reality television show, the people involved are British. I don’t know if that’s because the British media just loves it some paranormal activity, or if there’s something about British folks that makes them more perceptive when it comes to spirits and apparitions.
I’ve noticed the same sort of thing when it comes to “sex robots,” which the British media likes so much, they’re even covering sex robot unboxing videos now.
This storied history of Brits behaving oddly is why I’m so surprised to hear that the bodybuilder/actor at the center of a story about marrying a sex doll is Kazakhstani, not British.
Loveable, Beautiful – and Recyclable!
Nationality isn’t what’s important in this unconventional love story, however. What’s important is that Yuri Tolochko, the bodybuilder/actor in question, is very committed to his doll/lover – and very committed to acting as though this relationship and “Margo,” the ‘woman’ with whom he’s having it are quite real, as well.
Among other things, Yuri vowed to marry Margo after paying for “real plastic surgery” to enhance her looks. It was a surgery which had been undertaken because Margo had begun to “develop a sex doll complex.”
“When I presented her photo to the world, there was a lot of criticism and she began to develop a complex, so we decided to have plastic surgery,” Yuri explained. “She has changed a lot. At first, it was hard to accept but I got used to it later on.”
Well, it’s nice to hear Yuri was able to put aside the changes brought about by the surgery and continue to love Margo for who she is – even if who she is amounts a shapely pile of silicone with permanently pouty lips.
I’m also heartened to hear that Yuri is a modern fellow, the kind who isn’t made insecure by the idea of his fiancé taking a job. Heck, he even helped find her “a waitressing position at a local bar,” according to the Daily Star. (“She can’t walk by herself, she needs help,” Tolochko explained, possibly unnecessarily.)
So long as her new employers don’t ask her to make a career move into the kitchen, everything should work out fine.
“Margo the sex doll doesn’t know how to cook,” Yuri noted – but that doesn’t mean this woman without intestines doesn’t enjoy a good meal. “She loves Georgian cuisine. Her favorite dish is khinkali.”
For those not in the know, khinkali are stuffed pasta dumplings, kinda like Chinese xiaolongbao. And if you don’t know what those are, just google “khinkali” like I did about 30 seconds ago…
Chivalry Is Not Dead… It’s Likely Bullshit, But Not Dead
If you’re wondering how Yuri and Margo met, boy does Mr. Tolochko have a story for you.
“According to Tolochko, he met Margo the sex doll in a bar when a young man attacked the doll and he managed to protect her,” reports the Star. “They have reportedly been inseparable ever since.”
If it’s true they’ve been inseparable since that fateful night, Yuri might want to check Margo for industrial glue leaks – and be careful when it comes to peeling away from her, because some of his skin is likely to get left behind.
I think it’s also important to note that as ideal as this relationship sounds, there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, even when one member of the couple is an inanimate object incapable of disagreeing with her partner.
Don’t tell Yuri about the whole inanimate-objects-can’t-speak thing though, because he’s liable to lose his shit and start swinging barbells at you. He says they have the “occasional argument” and concedes that Margo “swears,” but insists “there is a tender soul inside.”
Oh Yuri, you poor sap; that’s not a “tender soul,” it’s padding – hopefully padding not made using asbestos. How tightly regulated is the Kazakhstani sex doll manufacturing industry, anyway?