by Coleen Singer at

It wasn’t THAT long ago that television programming was pure as the driven snow as far as any sort of sex or nudity was involved. If there was any sort of naughty business implied, at least one foot was always on the floor, and a very strict censorship and rating system was in place to keep any real sexuality off of the boob tube (or, “no-boobs tube” as it were). This served to keep parents happy that little Johnny wasn’t watching anything naughty, and kept the laundry detergent advertisers happy that their squeaky clean products were not associated with any filth!
And then along came Cable TV. HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and the others are not broadcasting over the open airways, so are exempt from the sort of heavy handed regulations imposed by the FCC, and as they don’t generally have any advertising, are afforded the pleasure of telling the regulators and mainstream advertisers to go pound sand.
Let’s take a peek at a very funny satire video by Alberto Belli that has already clocked in with an impressive 5 million YouTube views about this very topic…..
So, just what’s going on here? As “real porn” continues to re-invent itself to reach out to wider mainstream markets, creating new “more acceptable” genres like “porn for women”, “feminist porn”, and “educational videos” (wink, wink), HBO and the other major cable stations continue to ramp up the sex to gain eyeballs and media buzz. Good for them!
Morality in Media, the Puritan Police protecting the public from Prurient unclean content and information since 1962 is none too happy about this, and the fact that sex and porn are now part of mainstream society. Recently they announced the 2014 Dirty Dozen List, a compilation of the leading facilitators of pornography in America.

- Here is Morality In Media’s dirty Dozen, poorly written by them, and posted on their website:
- Attorney General Eric Holder – Mr. Holder refuses to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against hardcore adult pornography, despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and effectively enforced by previous attorneys general.
- Verizon – Verizon pushes porn into our homes now through hardcore pay-per-view movies on FIOS, smartphones, and tablets and as an Internet Service Provider with insufficient filtering options.
- Sex Week – Yale and other colleges and universities repeatedly offer Sex Week on campus. Porn stars are routinely invited to lecture and pornography that glamourizes “fantasy rape” is screened.
- Playstation – PlayStation’s live-streaming abilities are filling thousands of homes with live porn and the PlayStation Store sells hundreds of pornographic and sexually violent games.
- Facebook – Facebook has become a top place to trade pornography, child pornography and for sexual exploitation. Facebook’s guidelines prohibit such behavior, but the company is doing little to enforce them.
- Barnes & Noble – This Fortune 500 Company is a major supplier of adult pornography and child erotica. They regularly put pornography near the children’s sections in their stores and provide free, unfiltered porn publications on their Nook e-reader.
- Hilton – This hotel chain, like Hyatt, Starwood and many other top hotel chains, provides hardcore pornography movie choices. Porn channels are often the first advertisement on their in-room TVs.
- American Library Association – The ALA encourages public libraries to keep their computers unfiltered and allow patrons, including children, to access pornography.
- Google – Google’s empire thrives on porn. Porn is easily available, even to children, through YouTube, GooglePlay, Google Images and Google Ads.
- Tumblr – This popular social media blogging site bombards users with porn. Users must only be 13 and the filters do not work.
- 50 Shades of Gray – This bestselling book series and upcoming movie are normalizing sexual violence, domination, and torture of women. Oprah Winfrey Network, Broadway and other mainstream outlets have even promoted this abusive lifestyle.
- Cosmopolitan Magazine – The magazine is a full-on pornographic, “how-to” sex guide, encouraging women to accept the pornified culture around them. They specifically market this content to teen girls.
Aside from their opinions and accusations being unmitigated bullshit, what’s obviously missing from this list of strange bedfellows are the Cable TV networks. Anyone who watches “Game Of Thrones” knows for sure that the sex is hot and explicit – a far cry from a Cosmo article about “how to give a better blowjob (implied message: “so your boyfriend doesn’t dump you)”!
At this rate of the “pornification of cable”, traditional porn movies may become obsolete. Maybe we over here in Pornland should just give it up to them. HBO tends to have better actors, lighting and budgets anyway! We pornographers have great cameras and film-making skills and can start pumping out laundry detergent commercials for hire. Turnabout is fair play!