by Coleen Singer at Porn For Women
Every morning when I wake up, I do something unspeakable for many women: I flip open my iPad in bed before brushing my teeth and take a look at the headlines to see what horror show in America erupted overnight. I generally also glance at my email, Skype, and when in that wanton mood, watch a little porn, have an orgasm and snooze for another 30 minutes.
But, today, something caught my eye on A story about a woman that has launched a “no troll” site just for women to participate in.
Founder of, Karen Cahn, is rather remarkable in so many ways that resonate with women on the internet.
According to VProud’s “About Us” page…. is a video social network, built for women by women. Our mission is to cultivate honest conversations among women in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. Every conversation begins with a video and a thought-provoking headline that inspires women to engage with each other.
You can participate in discussions publicly through your favorite social media login or privately through a custom account. Because let’s face it, you don’t want your boss or your Aunt Gertrude knowing your private business.
Browse, search, and discover conversations with real women about intimate topics that you are dying to talk about without revealing your name unless you want to. We get it. It’s why we started this thing.
VProud features proprietary technology that weeds out hateful and voilent comments that could potentially disrupt your conversation. In addition, we encourage our community to take part in “troll patrol” – if you see something, say something! Simply click on the tiny troll icon next to any comment that looks inappropriate.
If you can’t find what you want, start your own conversation! We are an open platform and you can be a conversation starter, too.
I loved the concept and the moment I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and had my morning visit to the toilet, went there and opened an account.
Registration was fast and easy via my twitter account, and within a few hours, made a few new friends and posted up some “porn for women” videos and articles.
This one is a winner!
I’ve been on the InterWeb long enough to spot a tech winner when I see one. 10 years ago it was TIVO. 7 years ago it was the iPad. 2 years ago it was VProud now joins the ranks of web and tech that is really useful, without stealing your personal data.
Take a peek at and get involved. It is simply an elegant place for women to have honest conversations about sexuality and relationships with no fear of “Trolls” hammering on us.