Arouse Her Anal Ecstasy
by David DeCitore
The Best Illustrated and Most Innovative Step-by-Step Guide for a Pleasurable Path to Anal Sex. She’ll Enjoy Amazing Orgasms and Love it from Beginning to End.
Many women are interested in exploring anal sex, but in many cases, their men just don’t have a clue of how to do it properly which can lead to a painful and unpleasant experience. This book is the perfect gift for your partner if you are interested by having a passionate and enjoyable experience, The perfect “stocking stuffer” (pun intended) for this holiday season!
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According to the author:
This book demonstrates how to seduce a woman’s body and mind so that you can introduce her to anal play with a detailed step-by-step method that gradually and painlessly enables couples to enjoy the pleasures of anal sexuality. The book will give you the strategies and unique techniques that work . You will learn how to implement the 7 Nights to Ecstasy System, the SEPOR Method, with 76 illustrations, and 19 product recommendations, which are what makes this book the best guide on how to take it slow so she experiences painless pleasure.
There are several books on the market for general anal sex, and they all give some minor tips that advise couples to take it “slow.” What exactly defines “slow” is ambiguous and comes without a detailed explanation. Lack of detailed information is especially a hindrance when talking about anal sex because, if you mess up once, you probably won’t get another try. That is the story of many women who tried it once but won’t do it again because their partners went too fast, and it hurt! This book solves that problem! You will discover exactly how to take it slow in a way that will arouse and pleasure her at every step of the way. She will yearn for more and end up loving anal sex!
Learn how to approach communication, build trust, gradually increase stimulation, and properly prepare for anal play.
The book was also professionally edited by 7 women. Now read by many thousands of women, it is the information they want men to remember, since it is their pain on the line. Men, if it was your pain on the line, wouldn’t you want to make sure your partner remembers what’s important? Women reviewers state this book really delivers.
Book Details
Paperback: 156 pages
Also Available In Kindle Ebook Format
Publisher: Erotic Flow
Language: English

Chapter Excerpt: “Beginning a new world of pleasure”
After implementing my communication advice, you are now ready to begin Night 1. Have her lay on her back. Kiss, lick, and caress her lips, neck, shoulders, breasts, nipples, stomach, pelvic area, thighs, and all her erogenous zones. As you are kissing her, start lightly playing with her clitoris and her pussy with your fingers. Have her spread her legs wide, so you have access to her gem (anus). Here, you are going to move from kissing her lips to her breasts and her stomach while simultaneously caressing her clitoris and pussy lips lightly.
You want to spend time getting her really wet in this manner while slowly applying more passion to your caress of her pussy. Slowly dip the tip of your finger in her pussy to let more wetness out. As your finger starts to get wetter, go in a little deeper and put slight pressure downward to massage the bottom of her pussy, an arousal area called the perineal sponge. The downward massage will stimulate her and allow more wetness to come out from her pussy, so you can guide it down to her tang (the area in between her pussy and gem). Spread the wetness around her tang with your finger while caressing her clitoris with your thumb. See how she reacts to you going up and down from her pussy to her tang.
Another stimulation technique is called the Finger Roll. Lubricate her clitoris and gem generously, position your hand like in the previous image 3.2 with your thumb on her clitoris, massage her clitoris while placing your pinky at the bottom of her gem. Then, slide your pinky up across her gem, follow it with your ring finger, middle finger, and first finger. Roll all fingers slowly and sensually while applying a little pressure. Speed up a little and change the direction of the roll. Do all this while you are playing with her clitoris with your thumb. Your other hand can be playing with her nipples while you suck her nipples as well.
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