by Coleen Singer at Porn For Women
As the mainstream media and search engines continue the relentless cloaking and banning of adult content, it comes as no surprise that the last bastion of finding information about sex – Twitter – has now apparently joined the fray.
According to Bacchus at,
Twitter has been “the only major adult-friendly social media” for quite some time now, and thus I’ve been saying for awhile that it was about due for some hot #Pornocalypse action. And now it’s here, in the form of some porn killwords silently added to the default “Top Tweets” presentation of Twitter search results:
Violet Blue included the news in her weekly roundup yesterday, and she credits a tweet from Crash Pad Series for spotting it.
Violet and friends have been working out which porn words are blocked on Twitter. So far #porn, #bondage, #femdom, #revengeporn, and #phonesex have come up in their discussion. Violet says “one of the things I hate about sex censorship is that it renders previously useful tools into unreliable and inaccurate tools. [Read the full story here]
Upon reading this, I went straight to Twitter and did a bit of top tweet searching and indeed, it’s all been very sanitized. But, being an active tweeter myself and always in need of related hash tags, i dug around at the search engine for adults, to see if maybe that would at least lead to some interesting twitter results. Indeed, lot’s of them! But, one caught my eye which is VERY interesting and useful.
They have developed a very nice interface that you can not only see hashtag results, but also related tags. Take a peek at this one, using the example of searching for “sex”:
Click To View Twitter Sex Related Hashtags – Interactive!
Digging in to RiteTag a little deeper, I spotted something very peculiar. Take a look at the graphs below and you’ll instantly spot something strange going on at Twitter for the hashtag #porn…
It would seem that porn will always find a way, although it’s a crying shame that it’s getting so difficult to find it easily these days! And who knows? Maybe Twitter will do a turn-around like Google did with Blogspot recently.
[…] even earlier observation in a Crash Pad Series tweet, and today took an updated look at the situation, which it calls “very […]