by Coleen Singer at
“Captain America, the Winter Soldier”, is the latest epic movie that blew the socks off at box office recently. Based on the Marvel Graphic Novel (that would be a comic book), Captain America takes us back to the roots of the contemporary American tradition of bringing comic books to life in film.
In this newest installment, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is trying to adjust to life in the 21st century. You’ll remember in the first movie he volunteered to participate in an experimental military program in the 1940’s, becomes a super soldier, wages war on HYDRA (a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination), and crash landed his plane into the Arctic where he remained for 70 years. Now he is ensconced in the 21st century with “a lot of learning to do”. Wow that synopsis was like a 3 minute Shakespeare monologue!
As with all big budget mainstream films, there were many cast and director interviews to promote the film. The one that is the basis for this article’s commentary was produced by “Flix And The City” and has Chris Hewitt moderating a table discussion of the film with the entire principal cast and the directors. You can view the entire 30-minute press conference here, but I’ve carved out just the opening few minutes where some surprising things are said by people (in this case, Samuel L. Jackson) who really need to think about what they endorse a little before piping in just to deliver a funny line.
Read on…
Take a look:
And, for those that can’t turn on the speakers from your desk at work, here’s the transcript:
Chris Hewitt (moderator): I’m going to start with a question for everybody:
In the film, Steve Rogers keeps a checklist of all great pop culture stuff that he’s missed out on in the past 50 years. So, if you had to recommend anything for Steve, what would it be? And why?
Anthony Russo (co-director): I think I would recommend that he check out Captain America, the Winter Soldier.
Joe Russo (co-director): Fifty Shades of Grey. I think he needs more mommy porn in this life. Not the whole trilogy, just the first one.
Chris Evans (Captain America): I would stick with Music… Beatles. Led Zepplin
Scarlett Johannson (The Black Widow): ummm…. Cake Pops! Because how do they make those things anyway? They’re just so delicious!
Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury): Redtube….
Okay, Anthony Russo being first on deck for an answer does a Hail Mary pass and promotes the movie. Joe Russo gets a good laugh from the audience by plugging Fifty Shades of Grey (which we in the porn industry appreciate as that book trilogy has done a tremendous favor to porn. Not because it’s a “good” book. but it certainly brought in a few million new female porn and sex toy buyers!) Upstaged by Joe Russo, Chris Evans throws a softball and endorses the Beatles and Led Zepplin. Yes, that WAS a hard answer to follow! Scarlett Johannson does a cute throwaway line by endorsing Starbucks Cake Pops (which I suspect have crack or something in them they are so addictive!).
But then, Samuel L. Jackson drops the bomb and does a shoutout for Redtube, one of the internet’s largest repositories of, well…porn movies acquired by possibly nefarious means.
Samuel, Samuel, Samuel…… I have adored you for decades. Will Smith, The Rock and Russell Crow pale by comparison in the “sexy” department (Sean Connery still has you beat though. Sorry!). You are the only really tall man I have ever seen that looks TOTALLY HOT in a Che Guevara/Les Mis beret. Ten years ago, I actually tripped over your really long legs at the Detroit Continental VIP Lounge where you were sprawled out watching the CNN crawl on the big TV (I didn’t wash my feet for months afterwards as touching you, even as a clumsy younger lass, really had a swoon-inducing effect on me!)
But, huh? A shoutout to RedTube? et tu, Brute?

Now, I realize you are probably as pissed off about movie piracy on the interwebs as I am, but in your case, your mainstream features are nicely protected by office buildings filled with studio lawyers that get any movie you are in deleted from the tubes, torrents and fileshare sites quicker that poop goes through a goose. But here in Pornland, it’s a little more difficult to deal with piracy. There are literally thousands of “free porn movie sites” out there that rely on this mysterious thing called “user generated content” to maintain their loophole protection in the Digital Millennia Copyright Act (DMCA) and we overworked, underfunded and abused porn producers spend a whole lot of time and money we don’t have issuing takedown orders for our oh-so-sexy adult movies that get onto the tubes and torrents within minutes of legitimate release on our sites and VoD networks.
Mind you, Mr. Jackson, I’m not wanting to sound whiney or preachy here, pull out the “double standards in mainstream -vs- adult film” bitch-fest complaint, or even suggest you or anyone you know endorses stealing movies of any kind and sticking them up on the internet, depriving the producers and artists of revenue (okay, that did sound a little bitchy and long-winded). But, a favor to ask you and all A-List actors in mainstream. Would you mind not dropping Tube site names in interviews and such? People listen to you, and dropping names simply sends out a tacit endorsement that watching stolen porn, or any other genre of film, for free, is somehow okay.
I’ll just leave it at that, and on a “happy ending” note, let you know I still have not washed those sneakers I was wearing the day I tripped over you in Detroit (my husband, Dan, in a similar chance adventure, ended up getting a wet kiss with tongues involved from Jodi Foster (who had over-imbibed a bit) at a Golden Globe Awards Dreamworks party. He didn’t brush his teeth for a year (ick), but that’s another story!
You can read more sometimes rambling and silly, but always entertaining sex in society commentary by Coleen Singer at
Nice article! Ironically, last weekend my wife and I went to see Captain America in the cinema and paid full pop for tickets. Hmmmm….. Mr. Jackson gets a residual on that I assume, but is encouraging folks to go to pirated video sites. Oh, the humanity!
I suspect Mr. Jackson was just trying to be humorous, but this is rather though provoking, isn’t it?
Yep. the Twitterverse is now heating up over this one! Oops!
I was going to comment on this article, but I’ve decided to look for pirated copies of Snakes On A Plane instead. As Mr. Jackson himself might say: ‘Don’t bite the motherfucking hand that feeds you dumb-ass!’
Great article Coleen! I just want to add something to it. As a parent of underage children that love all the Marvel Universe characters, how exactly do I explain to them what Redtube is? Maybe you would like to give it a try Mr. Jackson.
Look, unfortunately the tubes, torrents and file lockers are a part of the internet now. As much as all producers (music & film) would like to them them go away, I don’t think it’s going to happen. Instead it’s going to be up to the integrity of the consumer to decide whether they want to pay for the material, as it has cost someone money to make it, or get it for free, regardless of how it was obtained. Unfortunately I do not have much faith in the human race.
“HYDRA (a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination)” Hmmm, sounds like they are behind the torrents, fileshare lockers and tubes!
Interesting Mr Jackson…
[…] Sam Jackson and his recent shoutout for RedTube has cause a bit of controversy in the adult industry. It has even been covered by TMZ. We decided to cover this controversy in this weeks #SexTalkTuesday. Our guest moderator this week was, adult entertainment industry attorney Michael W. Fattorosi. His topic was “When Hollywood Promotes Piracy”. […]
[…] wie RedTube als eine großartige Errungenschaft der letzten 50 Jahre gepriesen und damit Empörung in der Porno-Industrie ausgelöst. Diese hat es nämlich schon ohne solche Äußerungen schwer […]
[…] long after I broke the story about Samuel L. Jackson sticking his rather large foot in his mouth by doing a shout-out to a free […]