A video interview with good doctor Chauntelle Tibbals, Ph.D., produced by Sssh.com with lots of help from AVN Magazine who sent AVN Senior Editor Sherri Shaulis to facilitate this lively and often funny 30 minute discussion about what happens “behind the porn curtain.”

The interview draws from Dr. Chauntelle’s extensive background as a sociologist and academic that draws from her personal experiences over the years in studying the Porn Industry. Let’s sit back and see what she says….
Read on…
About her new book series, Amazon says…
“You Study What? One Sociologist’s Journey through Sex, Society, & Adult Entertainment (Volume 1)”
It’s a question sociologist Chauntelle Tibbals gets asked a lot, which isn’t really surprising… because Dr. Tibbals studies the adult entertainment industry. Chauntelle shares her stories — often hilarious, occasionally ridiculous, sometimes heartbreaking, and always enlightening — all in the hope of shedding some critical light on porn. Through retelling her personal experiences, she provides a window into a world that’s shrouded in mystery, but is ultimately no different from any other.
There are five stories in You Study What? Volume 1: “Working the Booth” about Chauntelle’s first time at an adult industry convention, “Looking for This Particular Movie” about her first time in a sex shop, and “Pegging – The Oldest New Trick in the Book” about changing trends in adult content. Volume 1 also features “The Thin Line Between Real and Fake” and “Average Joes and the Monster Cock.”
“You Study What?” is available in eBook format at the Amazon Kindle Store. Grab your copy today!
[…] by Sssh.com with lots of help from AVN, I got to talk about the first volume of You Study What? (and much […]