Football Sex Scandals – If I Was The Son, Not Sure How I’d Feel About This ‘Compliment’
While it’s almost always nice to receive a compliment, sometimes it’s not clear whether we’re truly being complimented, or receiving an insult in a compliment’s clothing.
When one of her sisters read a post Calico wrote recently, for example, and responded by saying: “Hey, this is actually pretty good.” Was the “actually” part really necessary? How about the bold font? Why the tone of surprise in her voice? Did she previously question Calico’s ability to use adjectives?
Along those same lines, Calico wonders whether a professional athlete would truly appreciate a bit of rhetorical applause he recently received at the hands of a sportswriter. Sure, the writer had plenty of nice things to say about the athlete’s ability and personality, but the particular compliment he chose also drew a distinction between the player and his peers that may not come off as the praise he (presumably) meant it to be.
What was this possibly backhanded compliment? Did it involve personal hygiene? Why are some soccer fans so worried about their favorite players getting caught up in a “sex scandal” anyway? Find out in Calico’s latest missive: “If I Was Son, Not Sure How I’d Feel About This Compliment”
– Calico Rudasill, Porn For Women Movies
Read On…
If it seems like I’m writing and thinking about football (“soccer”) a lot these days, there’s a simple explanation: Every time I look at my television lately, a football match is what I see. This is in part because it’s “festive fixtures” season – a term people came up with for a massive run of matches played in a compressed timeframe over the holiday season in the Premier League, England’s extremely popular top-flight football league.
While football is my husband’s obsession and not my own, there’s a great deal about the sport I find engaging and enduring, much of which happens outside the playing field. I love the various songs and chants the crowds come up with, for example – and nothing makes me laugh quite like the spectacle of fully grown human beings dancing with abandon or running around like overstimulated schoolchildren when celebrating a goal.
Should Auld (Slapper) Acquaintance be Forgot…
Another major point of interest in football, from my perspective at least, is the not infrequent occurrence of “sex scandals” among the ranks of professional footballers.
I should note here, some of the episodes listed on sites that have written about these scandals are actual sex crimes, about which there’s nothing at all funny. I’m not talking about those when I mention soccer sex scandals I’ve enjoyed reading and writing about, obviously; I’m talking about run-of-the mill affairs, the occasional arrest for soliciting prostitution and things along those lines.
English football star Wayne Rooney, a longtime member of the legendary Manchester United club team who also made 120 appearances for England’s national team, has been at the center of a couple of my favorite footballer sex scandals. Why are his scandals some of my faorite? Well, because it’s just hard to beat doing something that results in a sentence like the one below being written about you:
“A month later, it was reported that he’d paid at least 10 late-night visits to a £45-a-time brothel in Liverpool where he’d slept with Gina McCarrick, then 37, as well as Patricia Tierney, a 48-year-old grandmother nicknamed the ‘Auld Slapper’ who wore a rubber catsuit.”
Sure, anybody can purchase and wear a rubber catsuit – but I can only dream that if I ever somehow wound up being a grandmother (something that at this point in my life might require me to adopt an already-pregnant woman) I would subsequently find myself graced with a nickname as awesome as “Auld Slapper.”
As Football Tactics Go, Avoiding Sex Is No Clear Winner
Sex scandals in football are so well-known that some managers, mostly ones who coach national teams, have gone so far as to prohibit their players from having sex for the duration of an important tournament. It should be noted that this sex-free strategy, historically speaking, doesn’t appear to be particularly effective.
Despite what the results say about oversexed vs. undersexed footballers, some fans seem to fret about sex scandals to a point that it’s cause for celebration if a player on the side they support avoids sex scandals – or even if they just believe he will avoid such, more accurately.
“Son is brilliant and won’t ever be caught at a sex party,” exclaims Johnny Nic for
While the article lists a number of solid reasons to like Heung-min Son, the prolific scorer for Tottenham Hotspur – he’s unselfish, versatile, consistent, seems like a nice young fellow, etc. – Nic doesn’t really explain why he thinks it so unlikely Son will ever be “caught at a sex party.”
Frankly, it seems to me like a backhanded compliment – one that if I was Son, I might not receive particularly well. It’s a bit like someone giving my body an up and down lookover and then saying “Well, I guess we can be sure you’ll never cheat on your husband, eh?”
Gee, Thanks?
I’m sure Nic thinks of this as complimenting Son’s high character and honesty, or something. But Son is unmarried and has said he will not marry until after his footballing career is over. He has also dated a couple K-pop singers, dating (and sometimes marrying) other famous people being another thing footballers are known to do.
Look, I’m not saying Son attends “sex parties”, let alone that he’ll someday get ‘caught’ at one. I’m just saying if I were Son, a young, healthy, attractive, wealthy, fellow, I might not take it as a compliment for someone to suggest I’m ineligible for football sex scandal immortality.
Give him time, Nic! Son is only 28 – which means if he’s serious about not getting married until his after retirement, he’s got several more years as an eligible bachelor to work towards sex scandal infamy. Let’s just hope, for John Bridge’s sake, that if Son does go down that road, he keeps his wandering eyes off Vanessa Perroncel.